Balance Chiropractic & Active Therapy

Helping you find balance in your health and your life.

Important Message

After 11 fantastic years serving our community, Dr. Miles has decided to close Balance for now and will be on sabbatical for an undetermined amount of time. We will continue to monitor the email address provided in the Contact section below, so do not hesitate to reach out with a question related to patient records transfer, etc.

Sports Chiropractic

Restore proper joint movement and support your nervous system.

Therapies used may include:

  • Spinal or Extremity manipulation

  • Gentle traction

  • Trigger point therapy

  • Myofascial release

  • Active Release Technique (ART)

  • McKenzie exercises

Active Therapy

Improve your body’s resilience through training and feel less fragile.

Musculoskeletal pain or injury often comes from doing too much too soon, poor movement habits, or sedentarism.  Our body is made to move and when our modern lives keep us from doing that, lost strength and function can be insidious.

Active Therapy incorporates basic strengthening movements to improve self-efficacy and confidence.

Success Stories